To my sister (previously)

Ok so I found it
:D *warm feeling ensues*

"autonomous parts of severed insects" was a local collaboration that had artists from South bend, IN (near us)

My sister had this album and we listened to it on rare occasions. Electronic experimental: groundbreaking for its time. Who wants to play Moby again and again?!?!

Not me...

(eah... sometimes I do)

Thanks sis:

For opening me up to

Red Hot Chili Peppers
( TRUE MEN DONT.... KILL COYOTES!) , and the Uplift Mofo Party Plan

Pearl Jam (Jeremy didn't fully do it, it was until I got ahold of your V.S. tape)

anyways, thanks for the card I got from you too....

here is a make-me-laugh from more recently:


Inviso-Suit Bunny Type O said...

delete this shit, cmon

